Welcome to Youth Ministries
Our Youth Ministry exists to reach students who are seeking answers, to connect them with people who follow Jesus, and to help them grow in their faith. The youth are challenged to grow into ministry and honor God with their lives.
Activities are driven by our desire to let the youth explore and discover spiritual answers for themselves. We don’t let the youth flounder—our volunteers provide guidance, counseling, and spiritual mentoring every step of the way.
Our volunteers don’t just “work with” the youth—they build relationships that help both the youth and the volunteer to grow spiritually and emotionally. Because relationships are central to everything we do, our volunteers are carefully selected and trained. Accountability with other Christ-following adults and continuing development as a leader are essential elements of our volunteer ministry.
Church doesn’t have to be boring, irrelevant, or old-fashioned! From Sunday “School” to small groups to Sunday-morning worship, youth are involved with learning, growing, and worshiping God—and not just once a week.
Our Sunday School sessions are not like any Sunday school you’ve seen—we have lively discussions about topics that matter every day. Questions are always welcome, even when the answers aren’t simple.
Worship with the congregation is an important part of learning to be part of the larger church body.